July 21, 2009
Total Solar Eclipse
Later this afternoon, Hawaii will get a glimpse of part of a total solar eclipse, which will be exceptionally long this time. Set to start about at 5:20 PM, the Bishop Museum says that it will be over at 6:14 PM. The museum advises that to get a good look at the eclipse, stay in a place where the western sky will be visible. At maximum point, the eclipse will last over six minutes, 30 seconds compared to 2008's eclipse which lasted for about one-third that time. Astronomers look forward to this eclipse, as it will give them much time to study the sun's corona. On an international scale, the eclipse will start in India before making its way through Southern China and Japan and eventually the Pacific. Even during an eclipse, DON'T LOOK AT THE SUN, even with sunglasses. Use a mirror to reflect the eclipse onto a piece of paper. Have fun!
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